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Parent Banned From Campus

19 years 3 months ago #60058 by Aquila
Replied by Aquila on topic RE: Parent Banned From Campus
I have let it be known I do not believe her to be having an affair with any student. Rumors have been flying about her, and one student in particular. My answer to most questions have been, "I have no idea." I can understand why people would think what they do. This handsome young eighth grader looks much older than he is. He is a large, athletic type. He was allowed to leave all his other classes, with the exception of P.E., to return to her room. She teaches two subjects. After changing his schedule he had her for both subjects. However, he was spending all his other academic classes with her, anyway. He also spent her planning period in her room. I have been in there when he had her "jam box" going, and he was dancing to sexually explicit music. I didn't care, and made no mention of it. She had many pictures on her screensaver. He was in most of them. Her husband is in one. She brought him breakfast from BK or MDs on a regular basis. She allowed him to eat his sausage egg mcfuffin and drink his Dr. Peppers in the presence of the entire first period class. He loudly expelled gas from his body, and laughed even louder when the students commented on the odor. She spent hundreds of dollars on him at Christmas, and allowed him to open his gifts in the presence of the other students. She paid for his school pictures, and gave him money for at least one field trip. She has said she was going to pay for his summer school. His family could afford to pay these expenses. She took him home with her, on more than one occasion, so he could do chores, and earn extra money. When he was high on marijuana at school, she told a teacher about it, in the presence of another student. All the kids, including my son, knew about it. When a substitute teacher refused to allow him to go to this teacher's room,(not knowing this was the norm) he became angry. I was told he threw a chair accross the room. Whatever he did, it led to his suspension. When this teacher heard him being called to the office, which was usually from her room, she either accompanied him, or met him in the office. When other teachers recommended certain punisment for this student, she went behind them to plead his case. This teacher has been involved in screaming matches with students, and at least one teacher. She has trash talked this teacher to students. The teacher teaching next door to her is leaving the jr. high side to teach on the high school side, next school year.She has made it clear why.
It is my intention to see this through. I do not intend to accept what has happened. I do not intend to "let the dust settle". My family and I are moving from this state. My son will not be back in this school. I home schooled him in the fifth and sixth grade because of the violence in the elementary school he was attending. I have no intention of depriving him of the social or academic education he deserves. My son is fourteen years old, and the youngest of my seven children. He will be afforded the same oportunities my other children were. I have kept quiet too long. My passive demeanor has convinced this principal he can treat me in a manner I do not deserve. Neither he, nor this teacher gave any thought to my son's feelings, or to the children I helped. If I were to walk away from this, I would always regret it. You are right about things being differently had I been an employee. Had I spent the years going to college, these teacher have, I might reconsider. I would have an income, and this might have slowed me down. I am fortuunate not to need the money. If you considered all the work related hours they put in, from the time they rise, until they go to bed, you would know they probably make less than minimum wage. To be treated as our teachers are, is a terible injustice. I have been quiet, because I wanted to be there. I have already made up my mind not to be there. I do want to correct the wrong doings of a few, before I go. Not because I feel a need for revenge, but it is the only way I know to help the teachers who really care about the kids. The teachers who suffer through some days. It is the only way I know to help the kids. I think we need a new principal. I intend to do all I can to bring to light, all the covering up that has bee going on. Yes. The principal knows what this teacher does.
19 years 3 months ago #60057 by mykidsmom
You honestly need to step back and let the dust settle as far as talking with the school, but I would put everything you know in a written document for your attorney. I hate when this happens but (don't hate me) you saw too much and it would be easy for someone to "assume" the worse. The only ones that know what is really going on are the teacher and her student and unfortunatly/fortunatly unless the teacher's supervisor and the parents question the are a "gossip and noisy". Sorry.
Just remember you are skating on fine ice, as a parent you need to be a parent to your son, but as a volunteer (free employee) this issue is going to take some time. I would ask your attorney how this would be different if you were an employee, really that's what you are or rather the capacity you are filling. In the situation with our former President, banning her from the campus was what the Admin needed (she can be a REAL PAIN!) to sort the situation out. Right or wrong, I know I like to be able to talk with each party to resolve issues (I have five kids).
Our parent did stick with mediation and was able to come back into the building but she is a little more cautious of her words ;) . Do you know if the "party teacher" was offered a contract? That could change everything for you.
19 years 3 months ago #60056 by Serendipity
Wow....what a bizzare story and a terrible situation that you are now in. You would think that other teachers would have complained about a party like this with kids missing class. It would seem as if they are trying to cover up whatever went on and discredit you by banning you from the school.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
19 years 3 months ago #60055 by Aquila
Replied by Aquila on topic RE: Parent Banned From Campus
I reread some of the questions, and statements. I am not angry, but deeply hurt. I miss the kids, as they do me. Though I am certainly a protective mother, I am not a "hovering" mom. I never eat lunch with my son. He is a gorgeous, well behaved, and very popular boy. I didn't eat with the teachers. I ate at one table. I was always joined at this table by the less fortunate students. Many of them resource kids. It was a special time for us. They told me about their day,and sometimes shared their burdens. I told them funny stories, and we laughed a lot. I sat where I could watch the children paying (or not)for their lunches. I could tell when someone didn't have money to pay for their lunches, and took care of it. I sat where I could see the lunch room, and saw who was eating, and who was not. I can't tell you how very many dollars I have spent on lunches. Only the lunch room manager knew what I did. I have bought clothes and shoes for more than a few students. I did this because I truly care for these kids, and I could afford to do so. I have cried many tears over this. My son is active in sports, and I see a lot of the kids at ball games. I see them at church, Walmart and in our tiny town. Our town is so small, children are bussed in from four other, smaller area. I don't think we have five hundred students from grades seven through twelve. They always ask, "When are you coming back?" "Why did you leave?" Of course they have heard rumors. I tell them there was a terrible misunderstanding, which led to my being banned. I tell them I intend to correct it, and hope to be back at school next year. The truth is, I will never be able to go back. I have been told it is against the law for a parent volunteer to work with resource students. I made a 479 out of a possible score of 480, on the Praxis paraprofessional test. My husband's income offered us a comfortable living. However, at a teacher's request I applied for a tutoring position. It was only two days a week. January 13, of last year, I was hired and fired on the same day. I was told to start work on the fifteenth. I returned to school, and told the resource teacher I was to start work Thursday. She seemed surprised. She told me the principal told her, shortly before I arrived, she would be getting a tutor, but it would not be me. She let me know it was because I had stood up at school board meetings, in the past. The "past" had been several years before. The next mornig I went by the principal's office and thanked him for allowing me the opportunity to join the the staff. He informed me he had six different budgets to handle. That he had to use the money he intended to pay me, elsewhere. Mind you, this was a minimum wage job, at two days a week. Not a big dent in the budget. He assured me I was welcome as a parent volunteer. The next week a very competent black lady was hired. The personel director, and the Director of Special Education are both black. I have never seen a white tutor hired. I went the same day, with a letter from the principal, and applied for a subtitute position. After filling out the forms, and giving my finger prints, I ask how long it would be before the background check was completed. I was told it would not be sent. That if he had not already received it, the principal would be receiving a memo instructing him to use only those names currently on his substitute list. This, I was told, was due to the expense of the background check. I offered, to the principal, to pay for my background check. He told me if he allowed me to do this, some of the blacks would be yelling discrimination. I said I felt I was in a position to do the same. He informed me if I did, I would be banned from campus. Power play. So I went on about my business, and continued to volunteer. Watched other tutors get paid when they were not even in the building. Watched one tutor sleep in class, on a regular basis. Watched him play video games, on a regular basis. He was ineffective when he was awake, he may as well have slept.
I could write many hours about our school system, but I'll spare you....for now.
19 years 3 months ago #60054 by Aquila
Replied by Aquila on topic RE: Parent Banned From Campus
There is no proof of wrong doing on my part. I know this, because I did nothing wrong. Our school is a Junior/Senior High School. Seventh and eighth graders are on one side of the building, and nine through twelve are on the other side. The library, and an area in front of the library separate the two sides. Though I found time to do copy work for as many teachers as possible, I spent more of my time with a resource teacher. After going over, and correcting tests with the students, I would return their tests to their teachers. Several days, at different times, I noticed a high school boy spending time in one teacher's room. Always at the teachers desk. He was not doing any work, only sitting in a chair, or desk which was placed beside her desk. After seeing him there three consecutive days, I went to his high school teacher, and ask if there was a reason her high school student was spending so much of his time on the junior high side. She told me she was under the impression he was going to the baseball field. He had told her his coach needed him to help prepare the field for an upcoming game. I told her where he was spending his time. She said she would take care of it. I returned to the resource room, and thought that was the end of it. This was Wednesday, April 27. The same day, the teacher who had the student at her desk, became very angry. Though she did not approach me, she had a lot to say to the student's regular teacher. During her seventh period class she had a birthday party (her birthday) in her classroom. This same high school student, amd many more were present. She sent notes to different teachers, requesting students be sent to her room. My understanding the notes suggested she needed them for reasons other than a party. Prior to seventh period, word had passed through the school about the upcoming party. Many kids skipped their regular classes to attend this party. I saw many students spilling out the back door of her room. The noise from her party could be heard from the adjoining classrooms. Thursday and Friday this teacher was absent. However, a teacher who had been absent on the day of the party, found a note from her own substitute. The note informed the teacher the substitue teacher could not teach seventh period class. Most of the students skipped to attend the party next door. It is my understanding there were only four students who showed up for the seventh period. This teacher was furious. The party teacher returned the following Monday. I was told there was a meeting in the principals office. The superintendent, personel director, principal, and the party teacher were present. I was told the teacher left the office showing extreme anger. The next morning I was called to the principal's office. Present were the principal, assistant principal, the school's assigned deputy, and the school counselor. The principal ask if I had told one teacher another teacher was having a sexual relationship with a student. He told me he had only heard about this the day before. I had not,in any way, at any time, suggested sexual activity, and stated the same. He ask me what did happen. I explained the above. I did tell him I thought it possible to have an inappropriate relationship with a student, without sex being involved. He ask me what I considered inappropriate, and I told him. He ask me the name of the teacher who did these things. Initially, I did not answer him. Then he ask me again. I told him he already knew. He said he did not, and told me he needed a name. I ask if I could speak to him privately. He refused, and again ask for the name of the teacher. I told him. At this time, he told me my services as a parent volunteer were no longer needed, or desired. That I was banned from campus from seven a.m. until three p.m. I could not come on campus umless it dealt specifically with my son. He instructed the deputy to inform mr of the same, and then to escort me to my vehicle. I received permission to return to the resource room to gather my personal belongings. The deputy escorted me to the room, and then to my truck. May 24, my attorney advised me to return to the school, and ask the principal to put in writing, why I was banned from campus. After inviting the deputy, and the assistant principal to join us, I did make this request. I explained I was doing so, as advised by my attorney. He refused. He said, "Oh come on Mrs., you don't know why you are banned from this campus?" I said I did not. He informed me I was banned because I reported a student to his teacher, for something that was none of my business. I told him as the mother of a junior high student, I would have to disagree with him.
He then informed me, "I don't want you on this campus. How about that? And if you come back on this campus, I will have you arrested for trespassing." I repied, "So if I want to come to school next year, and have lunch with my son, I cannot?" He said, "That's right. I'll have you arrested." "What if I should need to speak to one of his teachers?" He informed me I would need to do so in his, or the assistant principal's presence. My attorney is filing an injuntion, and this part of the problem should be resolved. I would like to point out he no longer suggested I had alleged any sexual activity. I believe the party teacher incorrectly assumed I had reported her party to the superintendent, became angry and accused me of making false statements. I believe the principal took her at her word. I believe, since this time, he has spoken to the other teacher, and learned I never mentioned sex.
19 years 3 months ago #60053 by Serendipity
My question is what proof do they have that you said this? Are they relying on heresay?

Have you tried speaking to the superintendent about this matter?

Why would a teacher claim you said such a thing if you never said it? Could they have mistaken something you said or are they blatantly lying because they have an axe to grind with you?

My first step would be to speak with the superintendent. If you honestly did not say this thing then it is slanderous for a teacher to have claimed you did and for it to have gotten you banned from the school. Have you spoken to the teacher who claims you said it?
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