I was once called "a stay at home mom with nothing better to do!" by an irrate working mom upset that I was opposing a day care center in our neighborhood (long story). She intended it as a scathing insult -- I took it as a great complement. What a privilege to be involved in our kids and communities!
I used to run large projects for Fortune 500 companies before I "retired" to stay home with my kids. Running our PTO organization is every bit as challenging (and then some) as that work was - and I now work longer hours! I use my managment and organizational skills every bit as much now as when I was getting paid for it!
Even the stereotype bakesale is no longer easy. </font>
Contracting Issues: Does our contract with whoever runs the cafeteria permit us to sell food on site?</font>
Policy issues: what is the school's policy on bakesales? Can students help?</font>
Local law: does our bakesale meet the health code rules? Can we sell items baked in a non-commercial kitchen? Do we need a permit? Are we supposed to collect sales tax?</font>
State/federal law: Oops and don't forget FMNV (foods of minimal nutritional value) rules. Include some sugary candy and jeopardize school funding. eek!</font>
Health Concerns/Political correctness - Have you got anything sugar-free, high fiber, low fat? Is everything peanut-free? Make certain no treats could never be associated with a particular religion. (Are you sure that star shaped cookie is just a generic star and not THE star?)</font>
Labor management - organizing volunteers (oh let's not even get into it...)</font>
Budgeting - have you done your cost-benefit analysis and calcualted your return on investment? What's the expected profit margin?</font>
Have you ever considered the resume you could write simply based on skills developed and used on PTO projects? I think we are all qualified to run Fortune 500 companies.
this is so funny because since my two year role as leader of our PTO I have learned so much about "politics" and trying to do the right thing...ha ha I never would have ever guessed how much is truly involved,,,,if only all the complainers knew
"When you stop learning you stop growing."