Not only am I a staff member but I have a son at our school. Our pres. has taken a sort of unannounced leave, and I've jumped at the chance to "take over". My co-chair is also a member of the staff and a parent of children at the school. I can't see how this would only help the situation.....I had my first meeting last week. I had 3 other parents show up and have a few more to call that couldn't make it, but are interested. I also have about 3 teachers that I recruited to help out also. Hopefully we can create a strong, active PTO.
I am currently co-president with a teacher from our school. It has been working out well, I do some more of the leg work at home and he is able to do some of it at school. We keep in contact through e-mail mostly. At our last PTO meeting we had more teachers in attendance than parents - if you don't count the board. I was impressed with the teacher attendance and disappointed with the parent turn out.
It might work out very well for you having the teacher be president.
What a wonderful problem! Soo many of us are just trying to get teachers involved! I feel that as long as there is good communication between the president/teacher and her exec board you should not have problems. This may actually allow you to have some insight into what your staff really needs or would appreciate. We have two members who are parents but also employed be the school and this has been a real benefit! One of them now even jokes about being my inside elf because she is the one I ask about possible gift ideas or when I feel we are not being as helpful as we intend. Be open with your president about your concerns and also with your willingness to support her in both of her positions. Remember, this is new to her also.
Our VP is a teacher at the school, and it's really an asset to have her there (she makes sure the teachers are kept up-to-date with PTO happenings.) The only issue is with money. The district doesn't want her to sign checks or balance the account, they felt that would be a conflict.
Your question is so timely -- just tonight at our PTO meeting, we discussed if we could include a teacher on our exec board. The principal said he couldnt' require it, so someone suggested (only half in jest), that we should change our name to the P_O. I guess I don't see how having a teacher could be a conflict of interest in a Parent-Teacher Organization. Isn't teacher involvement desireable? The PTO doesn't set teacher policies, doesn't set salaries or make hiring decisions. I think you're lucky!