Your bylaws do not state that you cannot have co-chairs. “One person holds only one position” - can be assumed to mean one person cannot hold more than one position? If current chair was co-chair two years ago, how did that happen? Looks like it has happened in the past.
Co-chair and chair are usually seen as the same position. And it states that the position cannot be held for 2 CONSECUTIVE years. 2 years ago – does that mean last year and then she is chair this year too? Or was it co-chair 2 years ago and then a year break, then chair again this year? If it is the first scenario, then she is not eligible to be chair again next year.
The bylaws do need some revisions. Basically you want to refer to them and be able to say “this is how we do it” and the answer is always the same from everyone. Since your bylaws state that it is a silent vote, then you do need to adhere to that rule. When you review your bylaws, you might want to stipulate that a voice vote may be taken if there is only one candidate for an office. And regarding your quorum, you should base it on typical attendance figures for your group. Set the number lower rather than higher. Otherwise it may be impossible to get any business done. You can always go back and adjust your quorum number through the amendment process later. You might also want to reference Robert’s Rules of Order so you can defer to them on issues not spelled out in your bylaws. Although some may roll their eyes at the thought of following Robert’s Rules, many books and parliamentary websites provide the basic, most frequently used parliamentary procedures in plain language with easy steps.
Typically, bylaws of parent groups do not cover leases and teacher contracts.
Here is a link that may be helpful: