Hi Cindy. Here's what my nominations committee does.
1. Sends a letter home to parents requesting interested candidates and gives their contact information. If anyone responds they verbally confirm it.
2. Posts an announcement in the school's newsletter and on the main bulletin board with the same info and the letter.
3. If nobody responds to letters/announcements, they start calling, stopping folks in the hallway, begging, pleading, bribing, uh no, wait, cancel that last thing...
4. Confirms that all interested parties are eligible per our bylaws. It's great if there's more than one candidate per position but were usually lucky if we get one for each spot.
5. Presents the slate of candidates to the PTO Board, posts it on the main bulletin board and in the newsletter 30 days prior to the election.
My take on a nominations committee is that it gives interested parties a 3rd party to go to to talk about the position without having to come to the board, which can be nervewracking for some. As no current officers or interested candidates can be on the committee, it goes a long way toward insuring that it's an impartial (ie non-clique) group seeking candidates. I don't think they have a lot of power and control as they have to be open to all parties and accept and present all interested candidates. They don't really actually nominate anyone. People just nominate themselves but through the committee.