Our small school secretary is also PTO treasurer. There’s been some red flags that started with a bingo fundraiser. We had 1/3 more people come to the bingo fundraiser than the year before, but the amount of cash collected was the same as the year before. During the bingo and fall fun night, alls she does is go around and collect the cash from the free will donations and takes them to the office. Then, she takes the cash home to count it. When questioned about this at a meeting, she said she was only joking about taking the cash home. She’s the only signer on the checks, her name is on the checks, there is never an official report of incoming and outgoing money during our twice a year meeting, and when asked about creating bylaws at a meeting, the person asking was verbally attacked at the meeting. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Question: how do I get an outside auditor to audit the books and how can we get this person removed from her treasurer position and be held accountable? Also, they self elect themselves so she won’t give up her treasurer position. It’s her personal piggy bank. -
[url=?????????]?????[/url] ancor
- Naten
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