

Tax question for Fundraisers

Hello, We are an e-commerce company that has a PTO that would like to sell our products as a fundraiser. We are all for it to support the local school build a new playground. How do other product fundraisers distribute the PTOs portion of the profits properly and avoid the tax burden associated with the donated portion back to the school? We would appreciate any advice or how other companies work with you and your tax exempt status.

Hey there! With the arrival of tax season, many people face problems filling out their tax returns, and TurboTax can be a great helper in this regard. Using this software, each user will fill out their tax return step-by-step and will be sure that everything is done correctly. This software package is very easy to learn, but if anyone needs help using it, the user can contact TurboTax support and they will help everyone figure everything out.
- Naten
Links in this post:

contact TurboTax:

filling out their tax returns
- Porton
Links in this post:

filling out their tax returns: