

Gift Auction Help!

I am running our school's gift auction for the first time. This will be our third year of holding the event. I see that some schools raise a lot of money. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I have already started online requests and received a few things. I am really want to make this year great for our school.
- AM123

Hi AM123,
Kudos for taking on a big project! We have tons of resources on the site that can help you. Our best resource is the Ultimate Donation List, which is a thread on our Message Boards where community members post tips and ideas as well as lists of companies they've had success with in seeking donations.

We also have many articles on how to plan an auction, including these:

9 Keys to Auction Success

Finding Donations for Your Auction

20 Ideas for Theme Baskets

And, there's a section on our File Exchange on auctions that has all sorts of letters and flyers you can download and customize for your group. 

Good luck!


- Rose H
Links in this post:

Ultimate Donation List,: https:/

9 Keys to Auction Success: https:/

Finding Donations for Your Auction: https:/

20 Ideas for Theme Baskets: https:/

File Exchange on auctions: https:/