Hi anonymous
With PTOs, you would need a president and treasurer at a minimum and ideally, you also would have a secretary and a vice president. We've seen groups with various configurations--copresidents, two vice presidents and a recording secretary and correspondence secretary.
Rose C.
- Rose H
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What is only one person is interested in being a PTO officer? Parents want to help but no one wants the responsibility of an officer.
- hopefulprez
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Hi again,
There are downsides to having just one person. Not only is that person going to get stuck with too much work, but there would be concerns about just one person handling the money. That's just not a good idea for any group. We very often hear about folks who want to help (and would probably be fantastic volunteers donating tons of time) but are afraid of the official role as an officer. Truly, one of the best ways to handle this is to have two good volunteers team up to handle the one officer role. Often, knowing they are "in it together" helps alleviate their fears. Would that work for your team?
- Rose H
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I had meant to attach some links to articles that I think would be helpful in terms of identifying what your group's leader can do to be successful and how to bring others onto the board. We'd love to hear how this all works out and hope that you can get enough help to make a go of it! It certainly sounds like you are motivated to make things happen!
How To Be a Successful PTO President
Developing New PTO and PTA Leaders
Find the Right Person for the Job
Make Your School a Community
Developing New PTO and PTA Leaders : https:/classic.ptotoday.com//pto-today-articles/article/1190-developing-new-pto-and-pta-leaders
Find the Right Person for the Job: https:/classic.ptotoday.com//pto-today-articles/article/995-find-the-right-person-for-the-job
Make Your School a Community : https:/classic.ptotoday.com//pto-today-articles/article/1284-make-your-school-a-community