Did these same folks elect you as president? Then it sounds like that's your role. It isn't uncommon to have some difficulty with a principal. We hear about this often. Try staying above the gossip (it isn't easy!) and reach out to the principal to try to develop a better working relationship.
This article gives great advice onĀ how to communicate with the principal.
Here's an article that examines how to compromise with the principal.
Also, it's helpful to check in our our Message Boards -- www.ptotoday.com/boards -- to vent and share with your peers!
Good luck!
- Rose H
Links in this post:
how to communicate with the principal.: https:/classic.ptotoday.com//pto-today-articles/article/209-make-the-principal-your-partner
how to compromise with the principal.: https:/classic.ptotoday.com//pto-today-articles/article/299-real-disputes-with-the-principal