If you're going to serve two schools, your group should probably be independent and not an arm of either school. That involves getting an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS if you don't have one already. (Simply fill out form SS-4 on the IRS website -- the whole process takes 15 minutes.) You need an EIN to open your own bank account under your group's name. I would also recommend incorporating in your state (you'll have to have bylaws in place to do that) and applying for tax-exempt status, called 501c3 status, from the IRS. That's a longer process, and tax-exempt status is retroactive to your incorporation date so incorporate first. Read the article 501c3 for PTOs for more information. You might also find the article How To Start a PTO helpful, but the first page or so probably covers territory that you've already taken care of.
- Craig
Links in this post:
501c3 for PTOs: https:/classic.ptotoday.com//pto-today-articles/article/394-501c3-for-ptos
How To Start a PTO: https:/classic.ptotoday.com//pto-today-articles/article/837-how-to-start-a-pto