Gather support from a number of parents who feel like you do. Attend a meeting together and make a motion that the books be audited. Don't let the issue drop -- bring a copy of Robert's Rules, if necessary, to show that the president can't dismiss a motion from the floor without voting on it. Before you do this, it would be worth taking to other board members and the principal to express your concerns and gather their support. Even if there's no wrongdoing going on, mismanagement of funds can cost your group dearly. It's very important to keep the books in order, and they should be audited (carefully reviewed) every year. You might also print out the articles 5 Smart Financial Controls and Annual Audit: How and Why and bring them to the meeting as independent support for your position. Good luck.
- Craig
Links in this post:
5 Smart Financial Controls: https:/
Annual Audit: How and Why: https:/