Hi laumi - If you are going to run an online auction, I'd definitely utilize one of the online services, as there's a lot of technology behind making the auction work well. I wouldn't want to build it myself. Here's a link to several vendors: http://www.ptotoday.com/yellowpages/category/auctions/
Our group had good success attaching a one-week online auction onto our live event. The online took place two weeks before the live and helped in three ways: 1) was good publicity for the live; 2) opened up some items for bidders who couldn't make the live event (more $$ for us) and 3) made our live event more manageable, because we had fewer items to slog through at the live/silent event.
Hope that helps,
- Rockne
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I have checked the URL noted above, and found that the two best sites are not listed. I realize that the listing on the PTO site pay for the links, but you really should check these two out.
If you have a 501c3 tax rating, then you should consider http://givingworks.ebay.com. As you can see this is a way to use Ebay for your online auction. The charges are much less than ebay's normal charges.
Another place you can go to is http://www.biddingforgood.com/. This site charges a percentage if a online bidder wins your auction. It also offers high ticket items for you to include in your auction. They say that items placed for auction on their site normally get about 10%-15% higher revenue, by using the site in conjunction with your live or silent auction.
Stan Cahn
- hhiguy
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Hi Rockne and hhiquy,
Thank you for your responses. I will pass the information to our current board. Terrific resources listed from both of you. We really appreciate the information!
- laumi96816
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Rockne is right on about using one of the online providers. I'm a co-founders of Accelevents and also listed on the PTOToday/Auctions link that Rockne posted. We charge just $1 per bidder. I'd be happy to tell you more about our platform.
-Jon Kazarian
- Accelevents
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Hi. Finding themselves in a difficult situation when they urgently need to buy a good gift, many people visit the My Gift Stop online store. Among their range of products, each user can choose excellent watches, jewelry, and other gifts, the purchase of which will be satisfied. The company guarantees complete satisfaction of each customer, but if the buyer does not like the purchased product, he can report this to My Gift Stop customer service and they will offer options for solving this problem.
- Naten
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My Gift Stop customer service: https://www.pissedconsumer.com/my-gift-stop/RT-F.html