

Administration Headaches

Last week, our Principal announced to one of our board members, "The PTO doesn't exist",... then proceeded to commandeer our fundraiser. The parents there were totally baffled. We SO want to work for our teachers and students, but how do you work with and administration that says you don't exist???

Good question. You need to approach the principal to find out what his specific concerns are with the PTO. Does he see it as not supportive enough? Too time-consuming? Pursuing the wrong agenda (say fundraising vs building parent involvement)? Is he upset about some action you took? Is he simply a micromanager who doesn't want parents "butting in" on his territory? Or maybe it's an issue about who controls the money. Step one is to figure out what the real objection is and see whether there's a possible compromise. PTOs can be very effective in building parent involvement, raising money, and supplying the people-power that can make a school better in many ways. Remind him of that and of your group's strengths and accomplishments. And if you can't get anywhere, ask the superintendent's office to mediate. Here are two articles that might help: Negotiating With the Principal and How To Deal With Difficult People. Good luck, and please let us know how it goes!
- Craig
Links in this post:

Negotiating With the Principal: https:/

How To Deal With Difficult People: https:/