

Principals role

If PTO officer's meet & make a decision to better meet the needs of the body (example: voted on changing meeting time for next years meeting times); does the principal have the right to over turrn this decision? Per the bylaws it was legal what the officers did.

The principal doesn't have any actual say in the decisions a PTO makes as a group. He can exert a lot of influence, however -- by taking away your access to the backpack express, for one thing. Sometimes principals take issue with PTO decisions for very legitimate reasons. Maybe the group is launching a program that will put a new burden on the teachers or staff, for example. You should find out whether their are any underlying issues in this case that you're not aware of. If their aren't, point out that the decision of when to hold meetings doesn't have any real affect on school operations and is merely a question of how you run your own group. You appreciate his feedback, but you're going to give the new time a try. For some tips on how to approach him, read Negotiating With the Principal. Good luck.
- Craig
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Negotiating With the Principal: https:/

The principal has no say what so ever about when pto meets if he can't make it tothe meeting then he needs to tell you that. otherwise I would make your meeting when they are convienent for you.
- jordan1
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It also depends on the role of the principal in your group. If the principal is on the "executive committee" then he or she has a vote.
- srichards
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